Monthly Archives: August 2010


Today I got pickpocketed.  In Mr Price (the dodgier, cheaper version of H&M).  In Cresta Shopping Centre (just dodgy).  Oh the humiliation of having your phone lifted in this environment.  On the upside I got to do something I have always secretly wanted to do.  When I realised my phone was gone I yelled out, ‘Attention Everyone, my phone has just disappeared.  If you have it or have seen it, please return it to me.’

It didn’t help but it was sort of a strange rush to yell in public.  Then to the Vodacom Cellular Shop where the man behind the counter looked at me like I was wearing a ballgown made of Crocs and said, “Can’t help you.  The network is down’.  So I did the inevitable and cried like a girl, snot bubbling out of my nose, make-up running down my face kind of crying.  It did the trick. The manager rushed over and handed me a box of tissues which I held onto until I left the store an hour later.  He made all the right sympathetic sounds and did all he could do with a network that was down.  I couldn’t help but think about the meellions that Vodacom spends on advertising and there I was, a crying, snotty customer made happy by a box of Kleenex.

I lost many, many photos (including the ameezing Victorian house pics that I took on the weekend and couldn’t wait to share with you).  But as the sweet security guard lady at Mr Price said, “It’s just a phone, not your life.”  Too true.

I’m writing this sitting at the kitchen counter of my friends Jacqui and Ryan.  The candles are lit, music is playing, pizzas are in the oven and our friends are arriving, wine and tennis biscuits and strawberries in hand.  How can one be anything but grateful to end a day like this, like this?  Ameezing.


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Hip, hip…

Happy Birthday Ameezing Ty.

Mama and Papa and Birthday Ty.

New ameezing birthday shirt.


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Lace up your corsets…

My beloved Aadil and a Victorian chamber maid in a completely authentic Victorian library.  What could this mean? Coming soon to Ameezing…

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Dear Spring, come on then. Love Ameezing.

Any minute now Spring is going to arrive on our doorsteps, wearing Havaianas and a giant, floppy sun hat and visit for a few months.  I love Spring (who doesn’t) almost as much as Autumn.  To celebrate the new season, as well as getting some much needed sun on my pearly white feet, I thought I would change the header picture to this one.  Some of my loved ones enjoying a fantastically magical picnic we had last weekend.

Left to Right: Little Lauren, The Ever Lovely Lindsay, Shminty the Fab, Maggie the Hound,  Ameezing Ty, Cousin Robyn, The Fantastic Jacqui and Ryan the Lion.  And Justin, Little Lauren’s beloved, in the background throwing a frisbee.

I should mention that there are many loved ones not in this picture. But still much loved, loved ones.  Happy Weekend Everyone.

The Outtakes


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People of Joburg – City Deep

Francina works as a cleaner at the Standard Bank Art Gallery in the city. Quietly mopping the floor, polishing the staircase rails, tidying up after us, the public. When I asked her in my best, hushed, hallowed gallery/museum whisper if I could take her picture she put her hand on my arm and whispered back, ‘Why are you whispering?’ And then, raising her arms like an opera singer, said loudly, ‘It’s just you and me here’.


Filed under Meet Ameezing People of Joburg

Mmmm, don’t mind if I do…

Sometimes, living in a city like Joburg feels like you are being eaten alive and burped up for seconds.  In this kind of environment, unexpected random acts of kindness have the ability to take your breath away.  When you need it most to sigh with relief that good, kind people are alive and kicking and keeping busy with, well, random acts of kindness.

When I spotted this ‘Help Yourself’ pavement garden I got such a suprise I almost drove into the Golf-driving granny in front of me.  I had read about these gardens, but always imagined them to be in places like Finland and the Architectural Digest, not in the neighbourhood next to mine, in gritty ol’ Joburg. Sweet peas, spinach, tomatoes and an assortment of other green goodness, all ready for the picking.  I wonder if this garden has a regular clientele?  Do you have one in your neighbourhood?

My heart swelled with Pay-it-Fowardness.  I drove on, my faith in humanity and this gritty ol’ city many of us call home renewed.


Filed under Explore Ameezing Joburg

Three times a charm…

As if a weekend filled with friends, picnics, movies, a little partying and the first glimpses of Spring wasn’t enough, I was super lucky to receive three ameezing gifts from three ameezing friends.  Out of the blue.  Just like that.  Truly ameezing.

The ever lovely Lindsay-Jane went to Parys on a little day trip last weekend and came back with some treasures.  I collect old tins and my collection grew this weekend by four family members.  The tiniest one had this beautiful old coin pendant and chain in it.  So, so special and lovely.  Just like Lindsay-Jane.

My dear friend Jacqui went home to Brisbane to visit family and friends for a few weeks.  Luckily for us Joburgers she returned on Saturday.  Out of her suitcase came this beautiful, little Christian Dior book wrapped in pink paper.  An early birthday present.  Maybe turning 30 is not going to be so bad after all.  Welcome back Jacwaleenie, Joburg is not the same without you.

Bernie Chin is my interweb pen pal.  A very good friend of Jacqui’s, we have never met in real life but meet on facebook often.  Bernie sent a little parcel over with Jacqui and in it were these fantastically wonderful stripey socks.  In the card Bernie said, ‘I saw on your blog that you liked a pair of knitted shoes in a video.  I cannot knit but love the Bonds home socks’.  Me too, me too!  One day Bernie and I will meet and drink tea and cut a rug and share some stories.  Until then I will drink tea and cut a rug in my fantastic socks.  Thank you, Bernie Ameezing Chin.


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Nice Handwriting

Photo and hand - Ryan. Words - Ty.


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Pack up your time machine in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile

52 days until 30 years old

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Puppy Love

Three of my favourite people with my friend Clinton’s new hound Maggie.  Surrogate puppy love.  Happy Friday.  Happy Days.

Ty and Maggie

Little Lauren and Maggie

Aadil and Maggie



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