Tag Archives: photo developing

The day those days became these days.

In a time where gratification is instant, taking pictures with film cameras asks many unanswerable questions.  Does the camera work?  It is the right kind of film?  Is it loaded correctly? Are the settings correct? Is it in focus?  Does that slow clicking sound really mean it just took a picture?!

With not much expectation and a little cynicism, Aadil and I took the first roll of film from my new/old camera to be developed yesterday.  Considering Aadil had bought the camera from a guy selling cameras out of his boot at a market, we really didn’t expect much more than a few blurry images with smudges of light, if anything at all.  We waited like kids at Christmas at the photo shop counter and were amazed that most of them had come out really well.  And even the ones that were blurry had really interesting light and texture.  I am hooked on film. And the ameezing process of loading, shooting and hoping.

Aadil shot Spring and Bed.  I shot Lauren’s driving gloves and a sort of self-portrait.

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